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Please give us a follow on @newlodgerda to see all your favourite horses and ponies!

The Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) scheme funds some of the horse riding sessions for children with ASD and ADHD. These sessions are subsidised by VCS for children who live within the borough of Greenwich.
On Tuesday evening’s there are two 30 minute sessions, at 4.45pm and at 5.15pm These sessions run throughout the year and each child will receive a block of five sessions.
During July 2023 a team of Direct Line Group employees used their corporate volunteering day to help clear ragwort from all the fields at the New Lodge Riding (RDA) Centre. Ragwort is a highly dangerous plant to horses and this time of year it is everywhere. Generally, horses won’t choose to eat it due to its bitter taste however, it can be mistakenly eaten when amongst grazing. This was a long hard day of manual labour but is an important job to help keep the horses healthy and happy! The team have spent their volunteering days over the past few years here. With the hard work they’ve put in, they’ve helped to reduce the ragwort growth and protect the animals which are so important to the charity